A Facebook post by TVM Sports has led to a bombardment of criticism from Hamrun Spartans supporters. The post mentioned that the Conference League match between Hamrun Spartans and the Ballkani team from Kosovo would be shown live on TVM Sports.

Allegedly, the Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) refused to pay the €3000 fee required to broadcast the match, leaving Hamrun Spartans supporters to cover the cost themselves. Among the angry comments were:

  • “ara l’veru qas tisthu intom ta”
  • “Zgur mhux grazzi alikom li ha tintwera il loba… Grazzi li supporters Hamrunizi biss”
  • “Stazzjon tal poplu u jcahhad milli jxandar l partita diretta. Grazzi lill Supposters li se tintwera.”
  • “Qas wicc il-misthija ma fadlilkhom ! Mhux biżżejjed li nhallsu mit-taxxi taghna ghal programmi bla sens u pagi ta’ nies bla ħila fuq l-istazzjon nazzjonali imma talli kellna nħallsu aħna s-supporters biex naraw logħba football ta’ tim Malti . PBS il-veru”

Today, the Maltese football champions Hamrun Spartans will be engaged in the second qualifying round of the UEFA Conference League against Ballkani from Kosovo.

Hamrun is playing in this round of the UEFA Conference League qualifiers after being eliminated from the UEFA Champions League competition by Gibraltar’s Lincoln Red Imps. Hamrun was eliminated by this team after a penalty shootout. Ballkani, on their part, were also eliminated from the Champions League competition after losing to Santa Coloma from Andorra, also following a penalty shootout.