After hearing the song Straight,” I cried, gathered the courage, and played the track for my parents while telling them that I am gay. My mother said, “You are still our son, and we will continue to love you as you are.” This was one of the heartfelt comments received by Lon Kirkop, who will be participating in the ‘L-Għanja Tal-Poplu’ festival this coming Saturday.

In a Facebook post, Lon expressed his gratitude and surprise, stating, “I am speechless! Whatever happens on Saturday, the song ‘STRAIGHT’ is ‘L-Għanja tal-Poplu’ because thanks to you, you have made it your own.”

Radio 105 reached out to Lon Kirkop, who expressed immense happiness with the response the song has received. He hopes that it can be a source of support for everyone struggling with their sexual orientation and that society will accept that everyone has the right to love whomever they choose.

The song “Straight” has received impressive feedback since it was released on social media, amassing thousands of views in just a few days.

As Lon Kirkop prepares to perform at the festival, his message of love and acceptance continues to resonate, touching the lives of many and fostering a community where everyone can feel accepted and loved for who they are.