A 47-year-old Siggiewi man, Anthony Attard, received a suspended sentence on Thursday for his involvement in an identity fraud scheme that assisted third-country nationals in obtaining Maltese residence permits through false lease agreements.

Attard was brought to court following a police investigation that led to multiple arrests. The investigation revealed that letterboxes were being attached to residences in Msida and Santa Venera, allowing third-country nationals to receive collection letters tied to their fraudulent permits.

Inspector Karl Roberts explained that Attard played a secondary role in the scheme, aiding in the setup of these letterboxes. He was charged with making false declarations in public documents, document fraud, and facilitating illegal entry into Malta.

Attard pleaded guilty to the charges and confirmed his admission after being warned of the possible consequences. The court briefly adjourned to allow him to consult with his lawyer.

The prosecution noted Attard’s cooperation and agreed with the defense’s proposal for a suspended sentence. Magistrate Nadine Sant Lia sentenced him to two years in prison, suspended for four years.

Inspector Karl Roberts led the prosecution, and Lawyer Martin Farrugia provided legal aid.