In 2012, Prince Harry, then 39 years old, found himself embroiled in controversy after photographs of him naked leaked worldwide. These images were taken during a raucous party in Las Vegas, known for its alcohol-infused revelry. Recently, a revelation has come to light from Carrie Royale, a participant at the said party. She claims to possess additional photographs of Prince Harry “in the buff” and is considering selling them. This decision comes in the wake of her dissatisfaction with how Prince Harry portrayed the events of that night in his memoir, Spare.

A statement Royale made to The Sun newspaper sheds light on the existence of these photographs: “The public has never seen these pictures. They include poolside images from before the infamous night and more of Harry in the nude. The content of these photos is truly surprising.”

Royale expressed that she had initially chosen not to release these photographs out of respect. However, her stance has changed due to her frustrations with Prince Harry’s account of events in his book, labeling him a “bloody idiot.”

She elaborated on her motivations for wanting to release the images now, citing her irritation with Prince Harry’s “whitewashing” in his memoir. According to her, the book omits significant details from that night, prompting her decision to come forward with the unseen photos.