Former Juventus and AC Milan footballer Roberto Baggio was injured during an armed robbery at his home in northern Italy. The incident occurred at 22:00 local time when at least five intruders broke into his villa in Altavilla Vicentina.

Baggio, 57, was taken to Arzignano’s emergency room and received stitches on his forehead after being struck with a gun. In his first public statement, he expressed gratitude for the support and mentioned the fear he still feels. “Fortunately, the violence only resulted in a few stitches, bruises, and a lot of fear,” Baggio said.

The robbery took place while Baggio and his family were watching the Italy-Spain match in the European Championships. Luca Zaia, the president of the Veneto region, condemned the attack and wished Baggio a speedy recovery, calling him a “symbolic champion of our football and our region.”

The ordeal lasted around 40 minutes.