Do you often find yourself heading straight for the office coffee machine during your breaks? While that cup of coffee may give you a much-needed energy boost, it could also be increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke, according to Swedish researchers.

A study conducted by scientists at Uppsala University and Chalmers University of Technology has revealed that coffee brewed using automated machines may contain compounds that elevate cholesterol levels. Over time, this could contribute to cardiovascular disease.

How Coffee Affects Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in the blood. While some cholesterol is necessary for bodily functions, an excess of non-high-density lipoproteins (non-HDL), also known as ‘bad’ cholesterol, can lead to clogged blood vessels. This buildup narrows the arteries, significantly increasing the likelihood of heart attacks or strokes.

The study, published in Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases, found that office coffee machines contain higher concentrations of cholesterol-raising substances compared to other brewing methods. These substances—cafestol and kahweol—are natural diterpenes found in coffee that have been linked to increased LDL cholesterol levels.

What Makes Office Coffee Risky?

Researchers examined coffee from 14 different automated machines in four Swedish healthcare facilities. The samples were tested for diterpene content, particularly cafestol and kahweol. The findings indicated that these compounds are significantly more prevalent in coffee brewed with metal filters rather than paper filters.

Paper filters, commonly used in drip coffee makers, effectively trap these cholesterol-raising compounds. However, coffee brewed using metal filters—such as those in office coffee machines, moka pots, and French presses—allows these substances to pass into your cup, potentially increasing your cholesterol levels.

Comparing Coffee Brewing Methods

To better understand the risk, scientists also analyzed diterpene levels in coffee prepared using various methods, including espresso, French press, boiled coffee, and filtered coffee. Among all, boiled coffee contained the highest concentrations of cafestol and kahweol. The study suggests that the filtration process plays a crucial role in determining whether these substances remain in the final brew.

David Iggman, the lead researcher from Uppsala University, explained: “Most of the coffee samples contained levels that could feasibly affect the LDL cholesterol of people who drank the coffee, as well as their future risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Additionally, the researchers noted that the diterpene concentrations varied significantly between different machines and even fluctuated over time, making it difficult to determine a consistent level of exposure.

Should You Reconsider Your Office Coffee Habit?

While coffee remains one of the most popular beverages worldwide, its brewing method can influence its health effects. If you regularly consume coffee from an office machine, it might be time to reconsider your choices. Opting for filtered coffee, such as those prepared using paper-filtered drip coffee makers, may help reduce your intake of cholesterol-elevating compounds.

As more research sheds light on the health implications of coffee consumption, making informed decisions about your daily brew could help protect your heart in the long run.