An eight-year-old boy from Malaysia has tragically lost his sight due to a diet that lacked essential nutrients. The boy’s meals reportedly consisted only of chicken nuggets, sausages, and biscuits, which led to a severe deficiency in vitamin A—a nutrient vital for maintaining healthy optical nerves.

The case was highlighted by Dr. Erna Nadia, a well-known Malaysian doctor, who shared the story on Facebook. She expressed sympathy for the boy’s parents, acknowledging the challenges busy families face when it comes to preparing nutritious meals.

The child’s vision problems came to light when he told his teacher, “Why can’t I see anything?” He was immediately rushed to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with a severe vitamin A deficiency. This vitamin plays a critical role in producing rhodopsin, a protein essential for low-light vision and retinal health.

Dr. Nadia emphasized the warning signs of vitamin A deficiency, which include dry eyes, difficulty seeing in the dark, gray spots on the whites of the eyes, and reduced tear production.

To prevent such cases, she urged parents to include vitamin A-rich foods in their children’s diets. These include green, orange, and yellow vegetables such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, as well as protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, and eggs.

This tragic case serves as a reminder of the importance of a balanced diet, particularly for growing children.